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Day one (part 2/4): Wein Not-Wein.

Immagine del redattore: Miriam PanieriMiriam Panieri


Stop over.
Three long hours.
I find myself waiting here in Wein (Austria) airport all in a while, I don't like waiting for so long in the airport and it's maybe because I still don't know how holy this moment is. Few hours ago I was in Italy, I cannot believe that it's finally happening. MY TRAVEL HAS STARTED!
I am in a Not-place in which the ordinary is far away from me.
This year was satisfactory for me but I lost my compass dy by day.
Now i'm snorting and reaxing and
In this Not-Wein i find my self.
Where's North?
I don't care, my travel is towards East.
It's 11.30 , a guy who's more bored than me tries to make friends: he will go to the US and now asks to give a look to his baggage while he's in the toilet.
"Don't worry, I will".
I'm going nowhere after eating that bad Gulash at the panoramic restaurant of Wein Airport. It is the last time I pay with euros. I am watching my friends photos and feel our bond, I smile here, quiet and alone.
I'm downloading on my laptop the best comics and drawings of Bologna's self-produced comics and illustrations groups.
I know most of those crazy guys because we attend the same Fine Arts Academy and now Ukraine will know about them.
I'd be glad if Ukraine was inspired by my city little world!
I'm leaving my new friend after a while: austrian people is extremely organized and they would never let a check-in start one sec late.
Here we go.
Here's the terminal.
The enlightened written: AUSTRIAN ECONOMY, FLIGHT OS0381.
Here I meet the first ukranian person of the journey, Nadia, a ukrainian woman living in Italy.
She starts to talk about Ukraine, about its fields and its food, she says I really need to eat a typical soup "borscht" and her italian's fluent and it breaks my mental asset of "from now on, speak English only!".
She keeps on talking and we're on the airfield now, entering a tiny bus. She says something about Janukovyč, the ukrainain previous president who's left during the revolution.
There's grumption and anger in her eyes, those first ukrainian troubled eyes for me.
She's that firmness of ukranian women and the crazyness of an italian one and she's so nice!
She's my first cultural exchange :)
The tiny bus takes us to a plane which is nearly its same size. Nadia sits far from me.
It's the sunset and the airfield here is thrilling: Planes take you to the infinite heights, their landing strips take you to infinite exctention horizons.
I am flying on Ex-Soviet Union and I cry for the pain in my ears.
Is it a sort of initiation rite?
it feels like a auditive childbirth I'd like to skip.
My knees are shaking and my hands are taking the tissue the english guy next to me kindly give me.
Once in the center me and my buddy will take a train to my new city, Ternopil.
Nadia is sorely saying goodbye to me by waving her arms, smiling and shouting "Ciao!!" as we exit the plane.
It looks like a 50's dramatic movie scene,
will I see her again?

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