Miriam Panieri30 giu 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min11 advices to be happy while travelling1. Wherever you are, close your eyes and try to feel the sense of what you are doing. Give yourself a moment to to feel everything you...
Miriam Panieri27 mag 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min11 semplici consigli per essere felici viaggiando1. Ovunque tu sia, chiudi gli occhi e cerca di sentire il senso di quello che stai facendo. Darsi un momento per "sentire" tutto...
Miriam Panieri17 apr 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 minBeer and cheers!Ukrainian most delicious drafted beers and museums and factory in western regions reviewed by an italian traveller Miriam Panieri
Miriam Panieri17 lug 2016Tempo di lettura: 2 minDay one (part 3/4): Lviv lovely day...Andriy, my buddy, picks me at the airport and my first feeling is that he's totally different from the pictures i saw of him. I'm...
Miriam Panieri17 lug 2016Tempo di lettura: 3 minDay one (part 2/4): Wein Not-Wein.Waiting. Stop over. Three long hours. I find myself waiting here in Wein (Austria) airport all in a while, I don't like waiting for so...
Miriam Panieri16 lug 2016Tempo di lettura: 2 minDay one (part 1/4):on the way to eastern EuropeDead calm. I have fear but I don't wanna think about it. I am watching myself here in the airport, it's so huge and lighted. I am...