Dead calm.
I have fear but I don't wanna think about it.
I am watching myself here in the airport, it's so huge and lighted.
I am focused, I am ready.
I am on my first flight without even realizing it.
The lightbulb switches on in my head just when the plane trarts to run faster and faster and all in a sudden I am smiling and excited : I am gonna change life for 46 day and finally leave at home all that I wanted to leave behind after an intense, fucking difficult year.
deep breathe,
speed up,
we are flying!
Upper and upper in a millisecond, I feel that humans can do everything: We are challenging barriers, brutally ripping the sky ,flying between the clouds, we are powerful!
The most little powerful beings ever.
Because I can clearly see from here how little and strange boats look like on the sea: they are stuck there, leaving white stripes behind but not really moving, it's so strange to see!
I can see them clearly and not the same for the people sailing them: humans are so little that they are invisible from here!
I figure them out: happy families, young adventurers enjoying the sea, all of my friends going waste themselves on the seaside: I am gonna do something different, I am going to live in UKRAINE.
The expance of sea is just stunning from here and the waves stay still, as still as the boats: all fakes, looking like plastic made;
but those encrusted crystals on its surface are actually the sunlight flashing on the water and now itall looks organic again, wild and real again.
My insicurites are far, my habits are far , my comfort zone is still at home , it has missed the flight and I don't care, I know that some problems will come to visit me again but I am going to Ukraine to challenge what's good in me and not what's bad.
let's give a chance to this life.
This is the moment of determination, this is the moment to breathe.