As I alluded on my Facebook post some weeks ago, Smetana is a widely popular, white liquid food and it's easy to find outside of Russia and Ukraine, its homelands.
So, what's that?
It's an omnipresent fresh sauce to eat with soups, salty and sweet dishes as well.
Ukrainian people seem to be addicted to it and so was I during my stay, it's funny to think about how the habits of your host country become your own habits after a few days.

Smetana is done with fresh cream, natural yogurt and is extremely similar to the Italian "panna acida" (sour cream), with a little bit more yogurt taste in it.
It's the yogurt taste to make it fresh and suitable both for salty and sweet dishes.
You'll find it mentioned many times in my day per day blog posts and if you'll speak with a Ukrainian person they will mention it more or then!

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