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One, two, three, four... Syrniki!

Immagine del redattore: Miriam PanieriMiriam Panieri

Aggiornamento: 15 set 2022

syrniki strawberries recipe 50 shades of ukraine Panieri Miriam

Here's the recipe for these funny original pancakes coming from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, and Belarus.

Syrniki are basically composed by 4 ingredients: cottage cheese(ricotta), flour, eggs and sugar.

Some recent recipes recommend also vanilla and a pinch of salt.

Cottage cheese is the unusual ingredient which makes these pancakes nicely soft and whenever it is well-sifted flour is not needed in the recipe, switching the ingredients number from 4 to just 3!

Syrniki are generally served with smetana, honey or strawberry jam and the stuffed variation of the recipe recommends to add apples, pears, apricot and raisins inside the dough.

So, wow! They are a pretty nice dessert food, right? Not really!

Indeed, you can amazingly find salty Syrniki with potatoes, carrots, chives or with the beloved Ukrainian dill!

syrniki strawberries recipe 50 shades of ukraine Panieri Miriam

Let's find out the 4 steps to make them at home:

1. Firstly, mix the cottage cheese, flour, eggs and sugar in a bowl, mix it till it's homogeneous and quite dense.

syrniki strawberries recipe 50 shades of ukraine Panieri Miriam
syrniki strawberries recipe 50 shades of ukraine Panieri Miriam

2. Pour some flour on a chopping board and make some little round shapes with the Syrniki batter.

syrniki strawberries recipe 50 shades of ukraine Panieri Miriam

3. Take a pan and pour some sunflower oil in it, wait till the pan is middle heated.

syrniki strawberries recipe 50 shades of ukraine Panieri Miriam

4. Fry the Syrniki (cook them in the oven otherwise) for a few minutes.

Serve them with the sauce you prefer.

syrniki strawberries recipe 50 shades of ukraine Panieri Miriam

смачного! Buon Appetito!

I got to know Syrniki thanks to my Kate, my second host in Ukraine.

Wait for DAY 10 of DAY PER DAY Blog to explore our other yummy adventures.

Hey! Go to the whole Syrniki video here:

and find out about Alla's Yummy Food channel

Gifs are done by me from her video.

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