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Varenyki: half-moon dumplings with perfect taste!

Immagine del redattore: Miriam PanieriMiriam Panieri

Aggiornamento: 14 set 2022

"Earlier (a long time ago) Varenyky reminded the shape of Moon and

they were an offering for The Gods! :))

varenyky's origin it's quite difficult to track because of the various modifications among cultures: even in yours!

You have italian ravioli!"

time of reading: 4 mins.

This is what my friend Kate told me when some months ago I became curious about varenyki origins: SUPER TASTY ravioli that we all used to eat together while my 46 days of stay in Ukraine.

varenyki holubtsi syrniki smetana garlic 50 shades of ukraine miriam panieri ukrainian cuisine recipes

varenyki (on the left) and holubtsi ( in the background on the right) two delicious Ukrainian plates

Here you'll find the recipe, the origins, their international spread and appreciation!

Varenyki are simple, incredibly delicious and various:

The most famous ones are varenyky with potatoes, cottage cheese or with cherries. They are also spread in Russia and Poland.

In Polish tradition they're called "Pierogi".

sweet pierogi cherry varenyki ukrainian cuisine 50 shades of ukraine

sweet varenyki with cherries inside, some smetana cream and some fresh fruit to enjoy with

"If you eat sweet varenyky you may eat them with sugar or honey.

To salty varenyki, we add sour cream (smetana), zazharka (fried bacon) and "shkvarky" (small fried pieces of pork fat)." - Kate says.

Varenyki are linked to many social and past rituals:

"Earlier, when varenyki were cooked at home, it was a kind of ritual and social event! :))

A few years ago (and sometimes now in villages) varenyki are made on Sundays morning. Small children were always eager to help make them."

little ukrainian girl fields 50 shades ukraine vareniyki ukraine cuisine

"Nowadays, with the development of ready-made food, varenyki are often bought in supermarket but my mum still cooks varenyki at home and they are better then those I buy!!"

cooking varenyki homemade food ukrainian cuisine 50 shades of ukraine recipe pierogi miriam panieri

Kate's mum cooking varenyki on Sunday :)

following the traditions:

"Nowadays, my family ALWAYS cook varenyky for Christmas.

Not sure everyone follows the traditions, that are stronger

in western Ukraine.

In Ternopil' region we cook at least three types of varenyky: with potatoes, with cabbage and with cherries."

It's also easy to find meat vareniky and varenyki with

a tasty mushroom sauce in Ternopil's city.

In case you doubt if foreign people may appreciate varenyki, here's our turkish intern eating them for the first time in "The Old Mill" restaurant:

50 shades of ukraine varenyki foreigner reaction starey mulin the old mill ternopil' restaurant cherry varenyki

Step 1: "mmm, let's see, it looks quiet good." step 2: H MY GOD I'M DYING! IT TASTES LIKE HEAVEN!!"

Worldwide love! :

These dumplings are so loved that a monument of varenyki was built in Ukraine (now in a private collection) and there is also a statue

dedicated to varenyki in Canada!

pierogi monument varenyki monument Canada ukrainian kitchen

Let's cook them! :

Varenyki main ingredients are flour, milk, smetana and potatoes and it's not so difficult to make them! See how in the related article.

ukrainian cuisine 50 shades of ukraine varenyki panieri miriam kompot uzvar smetana garlic

a big thank to Kate Leschyshyn :)

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